For Analysis of Oxidation Stress Markers
Oxidization stress by active oxygen and free radicals is considered to be closely related to the development of symptoms of various geriatric diseases and the progression of aging. A method of measuring stress accurately and easily
is in great demand. As an index used for diagnosis and treatment, coenzyme Q10, vitamin C, vitamin E, and glutathione that indicate anti-oxidization effect in the human body are receiving great attention. Among them, reduced
coenzyme Q10 is sensitive to oxidization by active oxygen and free radicals and produces oxidized coenzyme Q10. Therefore, the ratio of oxidized coenzyme Q10 to total coenzyme Q10 may be a sensitive marker for oxidization stress. Osaka Soda, with its optimum catalytic column (reduction column) for high-sensitivity analysis of quinone derivatives, developed an analytical system for CoQ10 by combining an electrochemical detector and a reduction column.
1.S.Yamashita,Y.Yamamoto:Simultaneous Detection of Ubiquinol and Ubiquinone in Human Plasma as a Marker of Oxdative Stress,Anal.Biochem.,250,66-73(1997)

【Fig. 2】 Analysis of various oxidization stress markers
【Fig. 1】 Coenzyme Q
Achieving complete catalytic reduction
Connectable to your current HPLC system
Osaka Soda supports analytical methods as well as electrochemical detection techniques.
Vitamin K